Would you consider “smile surgery”?
Americans are renowned for taking excellent care of their teeth, investing in everything from cosmetic orthodontic treatments to regular whitening sessions. But how far are we willing to go in pursuit of that winning smile? A growing trend in the plastic surgery Mecca of Seoul in South Korea may shed light on what lies ahead.
According to reports, plastic surgeons in the nation are now offering a treatment called “smile surgery.” First introduced as a part of a comprehensive “anti-aging lift,” this procedure involves subtly upturning the corners of the mouth to combat the effects of gravity and create a more friendly and pleasant appearance.
“The cosmetic surgeons who carry out the procedure argue people, young and old, come psychologically scarred by hurtful remarks about their naturally downturned lips, especially if they have customer-facing roles. Services-industry workers such as flight attendants and consultants frequent the clinics,” a blog managed by The Wall Street Journal reports.
While many cosmetic procedures affect the appearance of the mouth, including Botox treatments to smooth out laugh lines and silicone injections to increase volume, this is one of the first forays into surgical alteration. It remains to be seen if men and women in Miami and other areas of the United States decide to follow in Korea’s footsteps, or if this trend will remain overseas.
Are you considering plastic surgery? If so, consider contacting a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Christopher Craft. Dr. Craft is a Miami plastic surgeon who will put your privacy, safety and satisfaction first as you embark on this very personal decision.
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